
HornTrip Magazine is “an online spotlight for Prince Edward County’s seed-to-table gastronomy culture, vibrant arts scenes, wellness havens, and green initiatives” . I love what Editor Becky Lane is thoughtfully doing with content and design, offering such a great addition to the blooming-hot media landscape here these days.


tomato1Food styling on location at Doug Crowe’s Cromato Greenhouse (933 County Rd 1, Bloomfield ON  613-393-9978) was a true tomato paradise, with inspiring camaraderie shared with photographer Matt Long and writer( and From the Farm Cooking School owner) Cynthia Peters. The day’s gear included included props from Cynthia’s own collection, and a handy toaster oven (yes, we food stylists actually do cook the food…in a greenhouse, even…) that made quick work of roasting delicate tomatoes for the recipe.My salvaged old tray from the Royal York Hotel seemed right at home on Doug’s wonderful antique table where we captured these food images. I wonder if a similar tray was once used at the Royal Motel in Picton in it’s hay day?

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