A big thanks is due to Terry Sprague, my very favourite naturalist and owner of Nature Stuff Tours and Things here in Prince Edward County.
I’m posting his response to me yesterday, when I queried him about the identity of some plants growing prolifically in my front yard. The large, white flowering, medicinal Valerian (that I planted last year) provoked not one but TWO phone messages from neighbours wanting to know “what I proposed to do about it”…. the dangerous, invasive Giant Hogweed (with juices that can cause second degree burns, or even blindness), that they had identified in my tangled garden. So I thought I had better consult the expert just in case !
Over to you, Terry…. and thanks again for your help ! We’re all glad it’s not Giant Hogweed!!
{Join Terry Sprague for his tours of Main Duck Island, and the many other points of natural interest that he regularly offers.}
“Hi Ruth,
There is nothing about your plants that even remotely suggests giant hogweed. A true giant hogweed would actually laugh at this miniature! The leaf structure is different, the flower head is different, it doesn’t have the tell tale purplish stem or the bladder at the base of each stem or the hairs – all of which are diagnostic features of a giant hogweed.
It is what you planted.
Thank God, at least it had white flowers. I have checked out so many “giant hogweeds” only to find they are just wild parsnip (with yellow heads), not that they are innocent by any means as they can give you quite a nasty burn too. People panic when they see something tall and white and because two plus three equals three and a half, it must be giant hogweed!
See the attached photos. There is giant hogweed on Main Duck Island and I will bring back some photos for you when I go there this Wednesday. The plant is enormous!
NatureStuff – Tours & Things
seminars, presentations, consulting
interpretive hikes, bus tours
kayaking & canoe tours
Terry Sprague
23 Sprague Road
R.R. 1, Demorestville, ON K0K 1W0
613-476-5072 (home), 613-848-4549 (cell)