My friend, the incredible prop stylist Martine Blackhurst (of Rustica Tabletop) and I got snap-happy on set the other day after shooting a magazine story about seafood, with photographer Jim Norton. We agreed that the tray heaped with the “bits and pieces” remaining from my stylings on set were worthy of a quick pic. My cameraphone takes lousy shots, but I too captured a shot of her, capturing the remains of the day.
I marvel that I get to work with such talented folks as one such as her….an amazing hawkeye for unique items gathered from far and wide on her travels. Sourcing props (like plates, fabrics, glasses, cutlery, surfaces and backgrounds, do-dads…), beautiful with patina and in a kalidoskope of options of size and colour represents hours of collecting and sourcing, unpacking and repacking, endlessly driving in traffic…Without prop stylists and the intuitions they carry, none of us would look very good on our sets. Thanks Martine! for making it look so easy.