The beach at The Nook, with a view to Glenora and the heights of Lake on the Mountain.

Food Stylist | Off Grid Cabin Rental
Someday I will figure out what to do with all the beach glass I’ve collected over the years.
After 18 years of collecting the stuff here on the shore of the Adolphus Reach, I’ve got…well… alot of it. So I’ve pondered making jewelery, mosaics or “hanging mobile things” , but so far done nothing about it.
Last year I was inspired to start exchanging time at the Nook for artwork. Thanks Carl, for the print!
Bartering quality cottage time (for art) also took form as a magnificent burl carving (a total WOW) made by my inspiring friend Wendy Trusler. This incredible carved burl bowl is complete with a recipe for sourdough bread carved inside it, and is a prized pocession of mine. Wendy rescued burls from the burn pile at the tree planting camp where she was working as an adored camp cook years ago. {If you look really closely, you can see her in the picture below…click twice}. Many people may also know Wendy for her work with Voices at Hand, a “part artist residency, part travelling archive” across Ontario.
Another grand project of hers is The Antarctic Book of Cooking and Cleaning, co-written with Carol Devine, and soon to be published. I can hardly wait to see it, as the recipes and food styling (by Wendy, of course), photos and anechdotes will make for a great read (and yet more awe).
It’s always wonderful to share my peaceful little cabin with renters and friends. In this year’s calendar I’ve prompted myself to stay there more and enjoy it firsthand, catch up on some repairs and do a bit of long overdue gardening.
So if there’s a jeweller, mosaic artist or sculptor (etc) out there looking for some time away, introduce yourself and maybe we can work out a barter….. say hi to me with an idea ruth at ruthscanteen dot com
What artworks works would you propose in exchange for time at the Nook? and yes, carpenters who can build a bench to watch the sunsets from can indeed drop me a line.
Have great days !