end of the thread

Happened upon a wonderful spot called End of the Thread Cafe and Antique Emporium. “An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place and circumstance” Well worth passing through Brighton ON, on the way east (or west). 15 Main St. Brighton      613-475-4366  tel Highly recommended for Gluten-free… Continue reading end of the thread

Categorized as food

eat my ride

I’ve finally busted out from the city, and decided to spend the next 5 days eating what I can buy, grow, or scavenge within a bicycle range of my home near the Black Creek, between Picton and Milford, here in Prince Edward County. Fortunately for me, I couldn’t have choose to try this experiment in… Continue reading eat my ride

Michael Graydon visits the Nook

I’m sharing a few of the luscious images taken by photographer Michael Graydon during his recent  stay at the Nook. I’m especially enjoying looking at them on this rainy morning here in Toronto, recovering peacefully after a terrific photoshoot with Michael yesterday, working together for Chatelaine Magazine again. Thanks for the cozy pictures Michael (and… Continue reading Michael Graydon visits the Nook

tastes like a toast

I’m pleased that my little cabin, the Nook, is hosting a growing number of newly weds  looking for a simple, secluded getaway. Combining tours of award winning wineries and artisan cheese factories with a secluded beach to enjoy them on does sound irresistible. So welcome Honeymooners…it’s our pleasure to greet you with you a bottle of the… Continue reading tastes like a toast

fruit puppets

When people think of getting into food styling as a career, would they think of this day’s task as culinary art, or as puppetry?  These (and more) fruits and their foliages are being set up as components to be digitally placed into layouts for fruit juice packages. Photographer Jim Norton does an excellent job of… Continue reading fruit puppets

Garden Party

Something’s new at Chatelaine. Thanks for having my food styling as a part of the latest, fabulous issue with a fresh new look!  This Raspberry Cream Tart is from the “Evening Garden Party” feature story in the June issue. Erika Oliviera was Consulting Art Director, Claire Tansey Food Editor, James Tse photographed the food, Michael… Continue reading Garden Party


Every now and again something stirring happens where the business armor doesn’t quite cover. Just this past Apr 30, veteran photographer  Robert Wigington and his wife Carole, closed the doors to the studio for the last time. It was amongst all of our favourite places to shoot, tucked away in a narrow lane way on… Continue reading Wiggie

Categorized as food

Hyde Park and back

The Culinary Institute of America recently offered a course I took on Gluten Free Baking, with renouned Chef Richard Coppedge as instructor. His cookbook , Gluten-Free Baking with the Culinary Intitute of America , offers recipes that stir up huge amounts of enthusiasm from allergy sufferers…doughnuts, pizzas, breads , brownies, pies, cakes , etc etc…all… Continue reading Hyde Park and back

pileated woodpeckers

The large, rectangular holes in the old cedar tree near The Nook, can only be the work of Pileated Woodpeckers. I suppose a positive spin on the eventual downing of that grand old tree that lines the driveway, is that there’ll be more sunshine through the thick forest, and a huge supply of cedar kindling for… Continue reading pileated woodpeckers