skillet suppers

This is the opener to a story I styled for Cottage Life’s current fall issue. Easy and delicious recipes (by Jane Rodmell) for the cold breezy nights we’re getting these days. The next issue will include a food feature I’ve written as well as styled. Stay tuned, as I’ll post the recipes too. Hint: they’re… Continue reading skillet suppers

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tomatoes, illustrated

I love this illustration by British illustrator Hannah Clark so much I had to post it. I discovered her work recently on a website called They Draw and Cook, which updates wonderful illustrations about cooking and drawing, and I visit it regularly because it makes me feel so good. Double-click on the images a few… Continue reading tomatoes, illustrated

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comfort foods

Conversation in the food photography studio often leads to…well… eating. I did a poll the other day and got interesting results of what us 3 folks like to eat for comfort. Someone described their Northern Italian parents’ incredible lasagna,and the sleuthing required for getting the secret touches (like cake and pastry flour instead of  hard… Continue reading comfort foods

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pumpkin pie’d

It’s that time of year when pumpkins dot farm fields here in Prince Edward County, additional to those lovely vineyards dripping with grapes and birdnetting. Pumpkin lends a silent reminder of the days when this area was renowned as”The Garden County of Canada”, producing,canning and shipping massive amounts of tomatoes, peas, beans, corn and yes,… Continue reading pumpkin pie’d

terrine, crostini, port jelly

More samples of images we captured for his premier cookbook project,  Mark Mcewan’s Great Food at Home…. I still haven’t seen my copy yet, but the buzz is intriguing. Launch party this weekend…. photography James Tse food styling Ruth Gangbar prop styling Laura Branson Hmmm, if the launch wasn’t happening this weekend, it might have been  Taste  a… Continue reading terrine, crostini, port jelly

wondering about sauna?

Now that the birds here in Prince Edward County are flying south, if I start thinking about it right now, could this be the year that the Winter sauna/outdoor hot tub gets built at the Nook?This Dutchtub seems a real stunner, with it’s colours and customized templates…but at a starting price of $6,000, there’s no way. Lots of… Continue reading wondering about sauna?

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McEwan burger bites

The images below are two options of the well-truffled and famed Bymark Burger ( recipe here). I got to take a bite out of said burger (yes, twas bitten ) while onset with one of my all-time favourite teams of photographer James Tse , Laura Branson prop stylist, and Executive Chef Drew Ellerby (of ONE and Fabbricca) while we… Continue reading McEwan burger bites

tomato heaven

I had a big need for heirloom tomatoes recently that landed me in the midst of my friends and neighbours Tim Noxon and Vicki Emlaw, from Vicki’s Veggies on Morrison Point Road in Prince Edward County. Not only are the tomatoes fabulous (with varieties like Berkley Tie-died, Black Pearl, Green Sausage, Vintage Wine, Peach, Peche,… Continue reading tomato heaven

Rehearsal Dinner

Chatelaine Magazine’s Vanilla Cake with Summer Fruit….is one of those recipes that I’ll be guaranteed to make again. We featured it in a featured summer story shot by photographer John Cullen, with props (like the kind you’d like to keep, as usual) by Sasha Seymour, food styling by me.

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wine and cheese for Canada Post

Ok, so these were released in 2006, but these stamps were the first with food and wine for Canada Post ever designed and printed. Photography by Robert Wigington, Food Styling by Ruth Gangbar. Cheddar by the Black River Cheese Company.

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dark chocolate tortes

Photography    James Tse Food styling   Ruth Gangbar     Prop Styling   Laura Branson

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