Taste! a celebration of regional cuisine

This weekend is Taste! weekend in Picton, the hub of Prince Edward County….No museum fundraisers or demos for me this time. But oh the joy of just attending as a spectator! and a chance to see the launch of the Fall/Winter issue of the County Grapevine Magazine. The Spring/Summer issue’s launch cover (below) was shot by… Continue reading Taste! a celebration of regional cuisine

oodles of poodles

I get sentimental about dogs, and it makes me happy that I can share the Nook, my little rental cabin , with other humans. But it’s especially great to imagine other  dogs on holiday where Cleo had loved so much to be. A private beach for swimming, so many sticks, flies to bite at…good times!… Continue reading oodles of poodles


Juicy, subtle, and oh so delicate….this years tomato crop was hit by a cold, wet start to the season, and now a heartbreaking tomato blight that threatens it all (like those hungry tomato bugs aren’t bad enough…) But Vicki’s Veggies “Annual Tomato Hurrah” held on Sept. 5 & 6 was a glowing testimony to healthy community… Continue reading tomato!


Mark McEwan’s new food store has alot to boast about, including in-store signage that reveals its floor plan…but also what happens when a creative team gets cooking long before the store gets built. Over a year ago, Art Director Beverly Oosterdag brought Perennial Design’s branding and retail vision to photographer Rob Fiocca’s studio. There, amazing props,… Continue reading mcewan

lunch in the garden

I recently hosted a photo shoot at my home in Milford for Honey Pie Hives and Herbals, to be used in their upcoming website re-design. Photographer Derek Cooper came out from Kingston for the day…thanks for the great job Derek, and to Laura Branson for all the props! Here’s a quick pic on Derek’s camera phone… Continue reading lunch in the garden

Eat your Weeds

Spring’s first wild greens can be an unexpectedly delicious tonic, but don’t wait long for a feed of Stinging Nettles; pick carefully into a colander, rinse under lots of cold running water, and drop into a hot pan sizzling with butter while still wet …but don’t touch!   Wear rubber or leather gloves while you’re picking,… Continue reading Eat your Weeds

Categorized as food

Breakfast is ready

With the frost out of the ground, what better time to get out the griddle and enjoy the best of the season’s fresh Maple syrup, and to launch a new website. But a moveable feast it is, as I blaze trails between life at home in Prince Edward County and life in Toronto. My pursuits… Continue reading Breakfast is ready

Categorized as food